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Guidelines on how to activate and manage provincial status and colors



1. Meet with the local government of that region’s sporting body.

2. Hand in your provincial constitution and your proof of affiliation to SAKA. Should you 
not have your certificate we will provide you with a letter as proof of affiliation should you 
have been accepted as a member and your affiliation is paid up.

3. Should they require any information from SAKA we will help you obtain it.

4. For information on kickboxing activities, rules and regulations and international 
affiliation, refer them to the web-site

5. We do not supply information to instructors who have not paid their affiliation.

6. Should the province need any further information from you, obtain it as soon as possible 
and submit it.



1. You will have to elect a governing body to administer and manage the sport in the region. 
Have a file on which you keep proof of administration and have a meeting at least twice 
a year. Even if you are the only style within that province, continue operating 
democratically. Your governing body need not be large; have at least a chairperson, a vice 
chairperson and a secretariat. Ensure that these people are workers and not speakers who 
are power drunk.

2. Draw up an activity plan for your region and ensure that it is in line with that of SAKA.

3. Ensure that the people elected on the committee know the game. They do not need to be 
black belts.

4. The elected committee has no jurisdiction on the internal management of styles and 

5. The committee is there to create opportunities and not martial art politics.

6. Set up a criteria to obtain provincial colors at a meeting which includes all instructors.

7. Provincial colors can only be obtained when attending a National SA Championship or an inter provincial event.

8. Do not make your colors cheap to draw students. Fighters must work to obtain colors. 
    As an example; do not just give colors to a person because he or she is the only one in 
    that division but is actually a bad fighter or give colors to students who come from 
    influential families. In the long run you will loose respect and your credibility will be 
    under suspicion.



   We are doing the Sport to enjoy it and not turn it into a headache.

   Remember: The above information are guidelines because each province has it's own unique situation.


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