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1. NAME 
The name of the association is South African Kickboxing Association and will hereinafter be referred to as the Association or SAKA. 

The South African Kickboxing Association ( SAKA ) is the official Kickboxing Association for South Africa who promotes and manages kickboxing in all its styles / modes throughout South Africa. The modes / styles of participation are; Forms, Semi contact, Light contact, Kick Light, Full contact, Low kicks and K1 Rule Fighting. It promotes, manages and presents local, regional, provincial, national and international kickboxing events. SAKA furthermore selects competitors to compete internationally on all levels; Continental, Intercontinental events, the Combat Games and the World Championships. 

3.1 It is a fighting art during which hands, feet and knees can be used to compete with according to set rules. We promote the modes / styles of participation as promoted by the international associations. Kickboxing is defined by the techniques used and not just by the amount of power applied when executing a technique. For Martial Art growth it is preferred that clubs associate with a registered kickboxing style and that they also associate with the local sporting body of the region which they reside in for the purposes of sport growth.

3.2 An activity calendar for SAKA Amateur activities will be placed on the web site / mailed to all provincial / regional chairpersons at the beginning of the new calendar year which will include national and international events. Once the events have been placed on the calendar they are sanctioned. Professional events and Ring Sport specific events will be sanctioned separately.

3.3 Amateur Kickboxing within SAKA is managed as a sporting code and not a business. We will not be attending to a grievance for the loss of income should any member due to which ever reason no longer be benefitting financially from his / her position in SAKA.  

To be the most efficient martial art sporting code in South Africa.

To present kickboxing in all the accepted modes / styles and to present opportunities nationally and internationally to all South Africans interested in practicing the art regardless of race, color, religion, gender, age, creed or belief.

6.1 Internationally we are affiliated to WAKO (World Association of Kickboxing Organizations ), whom allows SAKA to have a two – pronged structure ( Amateur and  Professional ) who in turn is affiliated to Sport Accord, also not excluding other international organizations whom the Executive finds credible to associate with. 
6.2 Nationally we are affiliated to the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee ( SASCOC ).

7.1 To promote, foster and safeguard the interests of Kickboxing in South Africa.
7.2 To work with all recognized nationally affiliated kickboxing styles / bodies.
7.3 To associate with reputable international Kickboxing bodies which cater for all our needs.
7.4 To present, organize and manage kickboxing competitions, tournaments and events according to the rules and regulations.
7.5 To hold trials for the selection of teams to participate locally and internationally.
7.6 To do or delegate the arrangements for international participation.
7.7 To regulate the value and awarding of prizes at competitions, tournaments and events.
7.8 To take disciplinary action against any individual or body registered with SAKA and to hear and decide upon appeals against disciplinary decisions taken.
7.9 To raise funds for SAKA and to use it for the benefit of kickboxing.
7.10 Amateur / Professional Fighters. To allow SAKA `A` Class amateurs to participate in professional events and allow SAKA professional registered fighters to compete at amateur events according to amateur rules. To also allow professionals registered to SAKA to participate at Continental, Inter Continental and the World Championships. This concession excludes fighters registered as professional fighters at any other sporting code. These concessions must be sanctioned by the SAKA chairperson / president. These concessions are in line with the WAKO method of operations.
7.11 To present training sessions and seminars as to qualify / improve instructors, coaches, referees, judges, officials and other interested members in the art of kickboxing.
7.12 To appoint referees, judges and officials for competitions, tournaments and events.
7.13 To ensure that no one uses the SAKA logo without permission from the SAKA chairperson and the WAKO logo or any other International organizations logo whom we are affiliated to without the permission of the international representative in South Africa.
7.14 To work with national and local sporting bodies within South Africa.
7.15 To promote, develop and manage kickboxing among disadvantaged communities as funds are made available.
7.16 To manage the affiliation / registration fees and to ensure that national and international registration fees are paid over to the national and international bodies we associate with.
7.17 To ensure that the WAKO international grading confirmations are not issued to members who have not yet achieved their senior black belt grading within their various styles, and without the permission of the WAKO representative of South Africa. This also applies to any other international organization we are affiliated to.
7.18 To work with any other martial arts body once permission has been granted by the executive as to promote, develop or improve the abilities of our members should it be to the benefit of SA kickboxing.
7.19 To ensure that all people applying to affiliate their clubs or act as instructors with SAKA are reputable and are qualified as kickboxing instructors. Should the person not have a formal qualification the applicants past experience of the combat art / sport will be taken into consideration. 
7.20 To promote a specific fight league according to specific rules which will suite the nature of that specific league. It may not be in contravention of the SAKA Rules and Regulations and must be sanctioned by the President.
7.21 Publishing the Year calendar of events on the web site which will be sanctioned events for the year. Events / tournaments that do not appear on the calendar are not sanctioned. Should a member want to host an event not published on the calendar special sanctioning must be applied for in writing by the chairperson.
7.22 Publishing registered gyms / clubs on the web site after registration has been paid. Should your club / gym not be on the web site you are not registered to SAKA. 

8.1 Clubs or bodies of which shall be constituted for the purpose of promoting, practicing and administrating kickboxing may apply for membership. Membership is authorized by the chairperson.  Membership is paid once you join and must be renewed every year by a set date as determined by the chairperson for the following year.

8.2 Membership can be terminated should an individual, club or style not comply with the constitution, rules or in any way place kickboxing in disrepute. A member may terminate membership at any time and is not entitled to any form of refund.

8.3 Membership is paid for per gym / club. Should you have more than one gym / club you pay each one separately. Should you pay for one club / gym only whilst having more than one without arrangements with the chairperson it can lead to immediate termination of the membership.

8.4 You will not be allowed to open a gym / club in close proximity to another SAKA registered club / gym. This will be allowed should the instructors in contention agree to it. Should the instructors not agree to work together the SAKA chairperson may make the final decision which will not be debatable.

8.5 SAKA membership or the renewal thereof can be denied by the executive without furnishing any reasons for the denial.


To be a member an affiliation fee must be paid when joining and thereafter by a set date as determined by the chairperson for the following year. The amount will be decided upon at the annual general meeting ( AGM ) held at the National Championship yearly. The distribution, management and safe keeping of the funds will be the responsibility of the Treasurer who is accountable to the Chairperson. Funds will be used to pay registrations, administration, stationery, management of SAKA and assist the chairperson or his representative to attend international obligations. Funding may also be made available for the hosting of visiting international teams and international seminars / training sessions.

10.1 Each club / gym affiliated under the constitution of this association shall keep a record of all its active members. The record shall be furnished to the association upon request.
10.2 All members who participate at competitions shall be bound by the SAKA / WAKO Rules. Rules can be adapted to the nature of the event with the permission of the chairperson. Rules can be found on the web site. 
10.3 A name list of all the registered clubs including the instructors contact details that associate with SAKA will be kept at SAKA headquarters and placed on the web site. 
10.4 A membership certificate / letter will be made available to registered clubs on request of the instructor. Proof of membership is evident on the website.
10.5 Each member / club / gym must uphold and maintain the art of kickboxing as an honorable and disciplined sport. Should a member / club / gym fail to do so their membership can be terminated with immediate effect without having to go through a disciplinary process. This termination will be decided upon by the executive and issued by the chairperson. 
10.6 No fighter may attend provincial / national trials, national events or international events if they do not attend local events organized by the association and must have been practicing kickboxing or another combat sport which compliments kickboxing for at least eighteen months actively.  
10.7 All problems / dissatisfactions must be taken up with the SAKA Chairperson in writing within seven working days of the problem. The chairperson must reply within fourteen working days after receiving the complaint / dissatisfaction. Should a satisfactory solution not be found or the chairperson is at fault the matter will be referred to a committee of senior instructors to attend to the problem in collaboration with the national executive committee.
10.8 National and international grading confirmations for the various black belt degrees will be done once a year in the last quarter of the year. A member can only qualify for this confirmation grading once he / she has obtained his / her black belt within their own style / body.
10.9 All competitors must complete an indemnity form before participating in a competition. No ring style fighter may participate without having passed a basic medical check-up at the competition before participating. Instructors must ensure that parents of fighters under the age of twenty one ( 21 ) years old have given permission for their child to participate ( Indemnity form on web site ). The fighter`s instructor / coach must ensure that the indemnity is completed by the fighter / parent should need be. Event organizers must have indemnity forms available at the event and ensure that all participants have completed the indemnity before participation. The indemnity form must be kept by the event organizer for at least six months after the event.
10.10 All Kickboxers must be declared healthy by a certified medical doctor annually to do kickboxing. The trainer of that fighter is responsible to ensure that his / her student has passed his / her medical check – up before participating. Once the fighter has been declared healthy by a medical doctor to participate in Kickboxing he / she and the instructor remains responsible and accountable to ensure that he / she remains fit and healthy to train and compete until the next check-up. The instructor must keep a copy of the student`s medical check-up.  
10.11 Instructors / assistant instructors / coaches of clubs / gyms must ensure that members of their clubs / gyms undergoing kickboxing training have completed a club indemnity form to train at the club / gym. The indemnity form must include the following; the person trains at his / her own risk; you are medically healthy to do kickboxing; kickboxing is a contact sport with a certain element of danger; you must have your own medical aid which covers all injuries; the club / association cannot be held liable for any loss or injury or even death etc. 
10.12 Members whom have been knocked out or have been concussed during training, an event or an accident may not do sparring or participate in an event for at least thirty days and must have been declared fit and healthy by a medical doctor before sparring / participation. Should a fighter be knocked out three times in succession or on a regular basis he / she must be re-evaluated by a medical doctor regarding his / her continuation of the sport. The instructor is responsible to ensure that this regulation is complied with.
10.13 All participants attending an event, seminar, training camp, etc outside or within the borders of South Africa must have an insurance / medical aid covering any injury or loss at such an activity. The insurance / medical aid must have the ability to do immediate payments on request of the institution demanding such payments. The delegation leader, SAKA or any person employed for the purpose of the event / activity cannot be held liable or responsible for the injury / death or the medical costs involved.  
10.14 No one may use the logo of SAKA or the international affiliated body without prior permission.
10.15 Should a professional fighter want to return to the amateur ranks permission must be obtained from the executive in writing. Each situation will be dealt with on its own merit.
10.16 As SAKA we will associate with the national and local sports authorities. Should these authorities show no interest in kickboxing or discriminate against kickboxing we will operate independently.
10.17 SAKA sanctioned events will be placed onto the year calendar. Ad hoc sanctioning will be authorized by the chairperson or the vice chairperson in the absence of the chairperson.
10.18 No member may host an event under the name of SAKA without it being sanctioned by the chairperson.
10.19 All instructors must attend the AGM ( Annual General Meeting ) every year. Should he / she not be able to attend it, permission must be obtained by the chairperson to have someone else represent him / her. 
10.20 All instructors must be first aid qualified and have completed the coaches / instructors course. Should the instructor not have completed the SAKA coaches / instructors course but is qualified to instruct special permission may be granted to instruct by the chairperson until the course can be done by such person.  
10.21 All competitions sanctioned by SAKA must be supported by qualified medical personnel with a fully equipped ambulance. Should the event cater for Tatami and Ring Style activities separate medical officials must be available for both tatami and ring style activities. A well qualified medical officer must be at the ring at all times. 
10.22 All sanctioned competitions must be arranged and managed according to the Events Act of South Africa. 
10.23 The trainer / instructor must notify trainees and their parents should it be a minor that kickboxing is a contact sport with an element of danger and that they are training / participating at their own risk.    
10.24 No person under the age of twelve (12) or over the age of forty (40) may do any form of Ring Sport.
10.25 The SAKA Executive serves for a period of four years where after elections for the posts are held at the SAKA annual general meeting.
10.26 All fighters, trainers, officials and trainees are responsible to have their own medical aid coverage and cannot hold SAKA, an event organizer, officials, coaches or the trainer responsible or liable for any medical injuries, loss of life or any other expenses. 
10.27 Ring Sport is executed in a Boxing Ring and Tatami Sport is executed on a padded tatami. The Tatami can for specific events be used for Full Contact, Low Kick and K1 should it be arranged with the chairperson in advance.

11.1 Affiliation fees and other funds received for the association must be paid into the SAKA account. These fees will be used to pay the national and international affiliations to the various bodies and other expenses to manage SAKA as explained in paragraph nine. A financial statement will be presented at the AGM indicating income and expenditure of the affiliation fees paid and other income received to promote SAKA. Financial management of funds for the following year will be decided upon at the AGM / Executive meeting.

11.2 Each registered club, style / body and region is responsible for their own financial management.

11.3 Financial management of events / tournaments are the responsibility of the event / tournament organizer.

11.4 An admin fee may be requested by the person organizing international events on behalf of SAKA to cover their costs. The admin fee must be commensurate with the activity being organized.   

12.1 Notice of meetings. All notices of meetings will be in writing and shall be deemed to have been served at the time of forwarding.
12.2 Minutes of the AGM will be placed on the website within twenty working days after the meeting and a hard copy placed on file. Minutes of the Executive meeting will be placed on the SAKA file.
12.3 Frequency of meetings. An Annual General Meeting will be held at the SA Championship yearly and an executive meeting will be held during the last quarter of the year. Should there be any important decisions to be taken an executive meeting will be called or the matter will be decided upon telephonically / electronically.
12.4 The Annual Congress. The annual congress constitute the national executive committee, all the affiliated instructors and appointed SAKA representatives which will be the highest organ of SAKA and shall execute and validate activities decided upon at the AGM.
12.5 Voting. A quorum for the annual congress will be 50 % + 1 of voting members or their proxies. All decisions require a majority except in the case of constitutional amendments which require a 75 % majority. Written proxies with specific voting instructions signed by the absent member will be accepted by the chairperson. Only members of the national executive committee and registered instructors may vote.
12.6 Motions of no confidence may be made in writing and sent to the chairperson at least seven working days before a meeting upon which the motion will be dealt with. A special meeting for such a motion can be called by the chairperson.

12.7 Voting will be done by a show of hands or secret ballet after the people nominated have been discussed to ensure that the correct person is chosen. During this process the nominees may not be present.


The following officials make up the NEC who will be responsible for the day to day management of the Association:
- SAKA Chairperson / President.
- SAKA Vice Chairperson. 
- A Secretary / Administrator.
- A Treasurer who must manage financial matters.

- A Liaison / Development officer.

- Any other person appointed by the chairperson for a specific task as a member.
Should the chairperson not be the representative of the international organisation SAKA is affiliated too, the international representative for South Africa will automatically be an executive member.
The posts are occupied for a term of four years where after office bearers are elected. Should an office bearer not perform his / her functions to the benefit of the sport or places martial arts / kickboxing in disrepute the member will be removed from the post by the chairperson after consultation with the other executive members.

To be an instructor in kickboxing one must be proficient in the art of kickboxing and the instruction of the art. You must have the following qualifications:
14.1 Have obtained your senior black belt in the art by a recognized body / style. Exceptions can be made should the person have met all the other requirements and serve as an assistant instructor under the guidance of an accredited senior black belt until found capable to function on his / her own.
14.2 You must have a valid first aid qualification.
14.3 You must have passed the officials / coaches examination. 
14.4 You must have been trained as an instructor within an acceptable Kickboxing / Combat Art style.
14.5 You must act and portray yourself as a true Black Belt;
14.5.1 Be a person with integrity and not be involved in criminal or gangster activities.
14.5.2 Abide by the national, regional / provincial constitutions.
14.5.3 Serve as a good example to your students.
14.5.4 Not promote yourself or your personal ideals above those of SAKA. We operate as a team.
14.5.5 Realize that we are Martial Artists / Kickboxers and abide by the Sporting code of conduct. 
14.5.6 Must be over the age of eighteen ( 18 ).    
14.6 You must be actively involved in kickboxing to the benefit of SAKA.
14.7 Should you have been trained or have participated extensively in another fighting art which complements kickboxing a request must be made to the chairperson who will grant a special permission to train kickboxing. You will be obliged to do the coaches / instructors course as soon as possible. Should you not do it the special permission will be withdrawn.

The badge will consist of the following;
- The shadow image of a fighter doing an Axe kick in an oval.
- South African Kickboxing Association as an abbreviation ( SAKA ) will be written at the bottom.
- The colours will be Black, Gold and Green. ( the image black; the oval gold; the border and writing green)

SAKA is a legal separate entity from its members which Executive members and members cannot be held personally responsible and / or liable for any act or omission in the carrying out of their duties in terms hereof. The Association can sue and be sued in its own name, however the Executive members and members cannot be sued in their personal capacities.

17.1 The Executive will have the powers to take disciplinary actions, which include suspension and expulsion against any individual members and or member clubs that bring the sport and / or the Association`s image in disrepute.

17.2 All disciplinary matters pertaining to SAKA will be dealt with internally. Should the person / people / club in contention be dissatisfied with the outcome, such person / people / club can take the matter to the next higher authority at his /her / their own cost.


Amendment of any nature that needs to be made to this current Constitution can only be made at an AGM, whereby those who want to amend the Constitution must give notion of such notion at least fourteen ( 14 ) working days prior to the commence of said AGM.


In the event that the Association should dissolve for any reason whatsoever, all assets of the Association will be donated to a similar organization within the border of the RSA.



Aslam Mahomed

President of WAKO Africa

President of SAKA

Cell: 081 325 1789



Louise Van Staden
​​Cell: 076 330 6532





  • Adopted: 11th April 2023

  • Effective: 28th April 2023

  • Place: Limpopo



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