The only official Kickboxing Association of South-Africa.
We are nationally affiliated to MASA ( Martial Arts South Africa) who is associated to SASCOC. We sanction the practicing of Kickboxing in South Africa. Nationally you affiliate to SAKA which is affiliated SASCOC ( South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee ). In order to become a member club / gym an annual membership fee must be paid. You are not automatically a member once you have paid. You will be notified by the chairperson by email once you have been accepted.
Internationally we are affiliated to WAKO ( World Association of Kickboxing Organizations ). The affiliation allows us to attend world championships annually and to present / participate in continental, inter-continental and world title fights. As instructor or official you can also improve your international qualifications by attending international seminars and courses. Kickboxing is a fighting art and caters for the following modes / styles of fighting:
- Semi contact (Point Fighting)
- Light contact
- Kick Light
- Full contact
- Low-kick
- K1 Rules
- Musical Forms
Information needed annually to Associate
A copy of your Senior Black belt obtained by a credible Kickboxing Style
( for first time affiliates)
Name and Surname
Address of Club
Political Province you are in
Political District of club`s location
Your Race
Your Gender
Contact details: Cell number and email address
Numbers of students as Follows: Juniors, Seniors, Male, Female.
A short CV should you be a first time applicant.
Copy of deposit slip of payment.
Please note that personal information may be held by SAKA
Payment must be done into the SAKA Account;
Please contact the Secretary-General for banking details
At the instructors meeting ( AGM ) at the SA`s you will receive a financial statement indicating expenditure.
We are a democratically managed association.
The information you need to manage your club / style will be available on the web site.
NB = Instructors who want to join SAKA must be accredited Kickboxing Instructors. A senior black belt in another martial art is accepted but does not automatically qualify you as a kickboxing instructor.
Please See our constitution for further detail.
The SAKA executive will have the final say regarding your acceptance.